How Long Does It Take to Get a Real Estate License in California?

How Long Does It Take to Get a Real Estate License in California?

Enrolling in real estate school to earn your California real estate license is easier, faster, and more cost-effective than getting a traditional college degree. But exactly how long is real estate school? How long does it take to earn a California real estate salesperson license?

In California, it takes an average 2-5 months to complete real estate school and earn a real estate license depending on several factors. This can vary depending on your pace and whether you choose to get your education from an online real estate school or traditional classroom courses.

Learn more about the factors that determine the time required to become a real estate agent in California below or view our real estate school timeline.

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Factors that Affect How Long Real Estate School Takes

A few factors determine the length of time you will be taking classes and enrolled in real estate school. These include:

  • How Many Credit Hours or Courses Required

    Each state has different pre-licensing requirements for how many course hours are needed to earn your license. The state of California requires 135 Hours of Pre-License coursework. This consists of the following courses:

  • Online Real Estate School or Classroom Courses

    Students can complete their classes from either an online real estate school or a traditional classroom setting. If you take live, in-person classes, the process could take longer than taking your courses online.

    Online courses are self-paced, while classroom courses must be followed at the same rate as the scheduled classes. For more information on which is a better fit for you, check out our guide on online vs. classroom real estate education.

  • How Much Time You Spend Studying

    If you take online real estate pre-license classes, you can access your coursework at any time and on any device. Some students can spend all day studying and progressing through their courses, while other students can only access their coursework a few times per week.

    If you are motivated and have enough free time, you may be able to finish your courses in just 2-3 weeks. However, if you are someone who works or has other obligations, you may find that it could take longer to complete your pre-license education.

The California Real Estate License Exam Process

Before scheduling the exam, you must apply to take the exam. After being approved, you can apply to take an exam in your area as soon as the next day. The exam takes just three hours. If you pass your exam on the first try, you can apply for your license and start working under your sponsoring broker.

Candidates register for the exam online by visiting the website.

Real Estate School Timeline

  • Real Estate License Education

    Average Time: 2-4 Months online, 6-8 months in-classroom

    Students may complete their state credit-hour requirements in about 4-6 months on average in a traditional classroom environment. Students may complete the same courses significantly quicker in an online school – around 2-3 months on average. Some students may choose to take their courses at a slower pace to fit their busy schedules. These students may take up to one year to earn their license.

  • Real Estate Exam & Application Process

    Average Time: 2-6 Weeks

    The exam and licensing application process varies from a few days to multiple weeks. This process includes completing a background check, applying for the exam, passing the exam, and applying for a license. Much of this process depends on the individual’s timeline. Some people may take a longer time to get these various steps completed.

Written and Published by: VanEd

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