At the Testing Center
Remember: The representatives at the testing center are test proctors only. They administer exams for many different specialties and cannot answer questions about your exam content.
Don't laugh, talk, nod or otherwise communicate with any other candidates inside the testing room. Remember the proctors are there to prevent cheating and if you are even suspected of passing information, the proctors have the authority to suspend your examination and bar you from re-testing for an extended period of time.
It's okay to greet one another in the registration area before or after the exam, but put the blinders on in the testing room and use common sense.
If you find yourself becoming anxious or frustrated during the exam, relax by closing your eyes and breathing deeply for a minute or two. This might also be a good technique during the transition from the general to the state part of the exam.
When you are seated you will be asked to confirm your identification and the exam you are taking.
You can only answer one question at a time so you can't accidentally put your answer for #23 in the blank for #24 as you might on a paper answer sheet. You answer a question by selecting the appropriate answer and then selecting "enter".
The computer allows you a familiarization period and a tutorial on some sample questions BEFORE your exam timing starts. You can move forward or backward, go to a specific question number, mark a question for later review, review all marked questions, etc. You are allowed a few minutes for this familiarization.
You tell the computer when you are ready to begin the real exam, and the computer automatically tracks your time. The minutes remaining will always be on the top of the screen. Most candidates take less than the allocated amount of time for the exam. If you timed yourself on the practice exams, you should have a pretty good idea of how long it will take you to complete the actual exam.
When the computer indicates your time is up, or if it acts up, or if you finish early, simply get the proctor's attention and go to the registration desk.
Answering Questions on the State Exam
We recommend you plan to go through the exam three times:
First, answer those slam-dunk questions you know without hesitation
Go back and answer those that require minimal analysis or thinking.
Finally go back and work on those remaining questions that appear brain-damaging.
This technique gives you two advantages. First it builds your confidence by reassuring you on the first time through that you really do know a few things--and it will help you focus and organize all the information you have stored. Second, it assures you don't waste too much time up front on hard questions and wind up in a time crunch at the end of the exam. -
You may find one or two 'scenario' type questions on the exam. These scenarios will give you a lot of information. Read the question a couple of times prior to reading the scenario. You may find it helpful to 'mark' these questions so that you can read and answer them at the same time. *Remember to unmark them once you have answered them.*
Always read the whole question and all potential answer choices CAREFULLY before making your final selection! What seems like the correct answer at first glance may be superseded by a better one with a closer look.
There are 5-10 "pre-test" questions on each part of the exam. These questions are used to gather statistics on performance and to help assess appropriateness for use on future examinations. Because pretest questions look exactly like those that are scored, you should answer all the questions on the examination. Simply answer each question to the best of your ability, but understand that these "pre-test" questions will not count in the scoring of your exam.
If you are stumped, try to eliminate wrong answers one at a time to narrow your choices.
On math questions try working backwards from each answer to the question.
If you are still clueless, here are some rules for guessing:
Longer answers might be a better choice than shorter answers
Words like 'only,' 'never' and 'always' tend to indicate incorrect answers
Words like 'generally,' 'often' or 'may' tend to indicate correct answers
Use the "True/False" method to find the answer - restate the question as a statement, but include each answer one at a time. If the "statement" is false, that answer is incorrect. This may help you eliminate one or more of the answer choices.
After the Exam
You will tell the computer that you are finished. Your score and a performance summary will immediately appear on the screen. Your score is also furnished to the Real Estate Commission and if appropriate, to your pre-licensing school.
When you pass, you may apply for your real estate license. The application materials may be available at the test center.
In the unlikely event that you should fail one or both parts (think positively!), you will receive your score and a diagnostic showing the relative strength or weakness by major topic areas. Remember that in the event of a first time failure, you are permitted to repeat any or all of the course material with instructor assistance prior to your re-take.
The test center is also a convenient place to have your fingerprints taken. You are already there and the digital process they use has a higher success rate than ink-rolling.
The single most important thing to remember when you walk in to the testing center is to RELAX! You have plenty of time and you understand the material.
Get more practice for the Exam with our Texas Real Estate Exam Prep Course.
Written and Published by: VanEd