Construction, Appraisal, & Environmental Issues

Real Estate Continuing Education Course

Course Rating:  


4.5 stars

Course Difficulty:  



This course has been designed to give students an in-depth understanding of the structural and mechanical make-up common to residential housing and explore how environmental hazards play out and affect housing.

Latter units of this course will cover the principles of pricing properties. Topics covered will include approaches to property pricing and how to identify positive and negative factors affecting property price.

Course Learning Objectives

  • Describe structural fundamentals common to all residential properties
  • Explain how environmental concerns play into the design stage of property
  • Define the 'Building Envelope'
  • List components of the Building Envelope and their improved (or lack thereof) functionality with regard to the environment Identify the role of appraisals and brokers in property pricing.
  • Identify sources of information for a CMA and how a CMA is used in pricing property.
  • Describe the factors considered in preparing a CMA.
  • Competitively price properties based on a variety of factors.
  • Apply the three approaches to value and determine supply and demand adjustment value.

This course is entirely self-paced and each unit will have a multiple choice exam. The course is completed upon passing a cumulative multiple choice final exam.

Approved States: WY

This courses is approved for GRI credit   

What State Can I Purchase This Course?
