VanEd's Texas specific Real Estate License Exam Prep provides extensive practice with exams that closely match the state specific portion of the Texas real estate licensing exam for both the salesperson and broker license levels.
The VanEd Texas Real Estate Exam Prep course represents an excellent opportunity to prepare for the Texas state exam. Anyone who is preparing for the salesperson or broker level state exam should consider taking the exam prep.
Many students have trouble with specific sections of the Texas real estate license exam. We have included a brief review of all of the topics covered on the Texas state exam and even include practice exams covering each topic.
There are practice exams covering a range of Texas specific topics from the state exam with study hints provided for each question. Topics covered include: Commission Duties, Licensing, Standards of Conduct, Agency/Brokerage, Contracts and Special Topics tested on the Texas state exam.
VanEd's Exam Prep Summary exams are a comprehensive test of your real estate knowledge, and closely match the state portion of the Texas real estate licensing exam. There are three timed summary exams, each with entirely different questions so that you are tested multiple times on the same material. The summary exams will have the same content area and delivery method as the state exam, right down to the number of questions you will take.
Upon completion of each exam the student is provided the full list of questions, an analysis by category of exam questions, and an overall score for the exam.
Example Texas Exam Results - Statistics
The reporting is designed to provide a student with the topic areas where additional study might be appropriate.
The state portion of the Texas real estate examination consists of thirty (30) scored items on the Salesperson exam, and forty (40) on the broker exam. The examination also contains 5-10 pretest items. These pretest items are not identified and will not affect your score in any way. However, because pretest items look exactly like scored items, you should answer all the items on the examination.
The categories and number of questions associated with each exam are as follows, exactly matching the distribution of the Texas specific portion of the Real Estate Licensing Exam.
Topic | Questions - Salesperson Exam | Questions - Broker Exam |
Duties and Powers of the Real Estate Commission | 2 | 3 |
Licensing | 2 | 4 |
Standards of Conduct | 7 | 9 |
Agency/Brokerage | 8 | 10 |
Contracts | 7 | 8 |
Special Topics | 4 | 6 |
TOTAL | 30 | 40 |