Ethics & Business Practices

Real Estate Continuing Education Course

Course Rating:  


4.4 stars

Course Difficulty:  



Learning how to take a proactive role in preventing legal violations will reduce a real estate licensee’s exposure to liability. In this module we will exam the common law as well as Federal and State statutes that govern real estate transactions.

A real estate licensee’s awareness of federal fair housing laws and sensitivity to consumer diversity is vital to business success, reputation, and growth. Licensees will learn why it is necessary to understand fair housing laws and the impact that both fair housing and diversity have on their business. 


Upon completion of this module, participants will be able to accomplish the following:

  • Demonstrate behavior compliant with federal fair housing and related laws (including ADA).
  • Compare obligations of the Realtor® Code of Ethics and REALTOR® Fair Housing Declaration to the requirements of the Fair Housing Act.
  • Describe the various property ownership types and the concurrent ownership tenancies.
  • Identify the requirements by law with regard to listing agreements.
  • Interpret key aspirational concepts found in the Preamble to the National Association of REALTOR® Code of Ethics.
  • Illustrate with examples violations of the “Pathways to Professionalism” courtesy and etiquette guidelines.

This module will also highlight the importance of having a working understanding of the Code of Ethics, which provides the REALTOR® with the expectations and requirements of both the National Association of REALTORS® and the Real Estate Commission.

Approved States: FL