Land Surveying & Subdivision Platting

Real Estate Continuing Education Course

Course Rating:  


3.7 stars

Course Difficulty:  



Course Description

This course focuses on the different types of surveys used in real estate and provides background on subdivision platting and specific subdivision regulations. Upon completion of this course the student will have an understanding of why and how surveys are performed, and understand why subdivisions are created and how laws have evolved to protect land owners. Course Outline

  • Land Surveying and How Boundaries are Created
  • Types of Land Surveys
  • Improvement Location Certificates
  • Other Types of Surveys
  • How Surveys are Used
  • Subdivision Plats
  • Exemptions
  • Enforcement of Regulations and Vested Rights
  • Land Dedication
  • Plat Amendment and Recordation
  • Legal Challenges

The course also contains an Appendix of terminology, numerous multiple choice exams, interactive exercises, and is completed with a multiple choice final exam.

Approved States: OR

A Planning Institute of Colorado course     

What State Can I Purchase This Course?
