Current Texas Real Estate Appraiser License Requirements
Please check Texas Appraisal Board website (below) for detailed licensing requirements, including the licensing levels, and background on how Supervisory Appraisers must track and report training hours.
Texas Appraisal Regulatory Agency
Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board
P.O. Box 12188
Austin, TX 78711-2188
(512) 936-3001
Recent Changes to Real Property Appraiser Qualifications
Beginning January 1, 2015, the AQB has made significant changes to appraisal qualifications. Some states may choose to implement the changes sooner, so be sure to check with your state regulator.
Several important changes are outlined below, with complete details available on this AQB publication:
Upcoming Changes to Real Property Appraiser Qualifications
Important Change: Increased College Degree Requirements
Implications: After January 1, 2015, you must hold a bachelor's degree to obtain the Certified Residential license level or beyond. If you achieve this license level prior to January 1, 2015, you will be grandfathered in under the old regulations.
Important Change
Experience Hours are Required BEFORE taking the licensing exam.
Implications: For the Licensed, Certified Residential and Certified General license levels, the required coursework must be completed prior to taking the licensing exam. If you intend to upgrade your license prior to the January 1, 2015 rules change, you need to be sure that you have enough time to complete your experience hours.