VanEd is an accredited real estate school with certified real estate courses approved and regulated by a number of organizations including ARELLO, IDECC, REEA, and CDEI.
We strive to have all our online classes approved at the highest levels, even when not required, in order to ensure the highest quality of content and online delivery.
Approved by IDECC
The International Distance Education Certification Center (IDECC) reviews online course delivery to ensure that it meets the highest industry standards. This includes the presentation of content, interactive features, student assessments and student & instructor interaction methods.
Certified by ARELLO®
ARELLO® is the Association of Real Estate License Law Officials, comprised of the official governmental agencies and other organizations around the world that issue real estate licenses or registrations in addition to regulating real estate practice and enforcing real estate law.
One part of ARELLO® is the Education Certification Committee which sets standards for Distance Education and Review. From the latest research on distance learning and educational delivery, ARELLO® has compiled a comprehensive set of criteria against which distance courses can be accurately evaluated.
Having a "measuring stick" is an important step to evaluate quality. What education providers and regulators need is an objective review of courses submitted for credit.
ARELLO®'s Distance Education Council, in conjunction with qualified university consultants, will evaluate the quality of course delivery using the Standards. If the provider's program matches up against the measuring stick, the Council will certify the course delivery.
VanEd is proud to be a certified provider and has been an affiliate of ARELLO® since 1999. We have had members of our team appointed to sit on ARELLO task forces and working groups and committee's, and have working hand-in-hand with regulators to improve quality of design and content in the industry.
Real Estate Instructor Certifications
When developing the initial coursework in 1996, it became clear that involvement with professional real estate instructor training and education resources would be critical to the long term success of the school. VanEd is proud of the accomplishments of our instructors since that time, and supports their ongoing training and education through the following organizations and certification programs.
REEA - The Real Estate Educators Association
The Real Estate Educators Association (REEA) is a society of professional instructors dedicated to delivering high-quality sales associates to the nation®s real estate brokers, regulators and, ultimately, consumers. REEA continually gives members the latest tools and techniques for effective adult and professional education. Our goal is to make sure our REEA members meet and exceed the high standards demanded in real estate®s rapidly changing legal and professional environment.
CDEI - Certified Distance Education Instructor
Since 2009, all ARELLO or IDECC certified courses have required instructors to also earn the Certified Distance Education Instructor (CDEI) certification. The CDEI® program is designed to be used by teaching professionals and academic course designers who focus on a variety of learning methods, including online and internet based instruction and course design. The CDEI® program is also designed to present theory and good practice for facilitating a distance education course.
VanEd was involved in the initial course design review and our team has been certified since the inception of the CDEI program. Today, we encourage all of our instructors to update their certification on an ongoing basis.
RAPDD - REALTOR® Association Professional Development Directors Summit
Held every year, the REALTOR® Association Professional Development Directors (RAPDD) Summit connects Professional Development Directors and Industry leading trainers in a fast paced joint learning program. Instructors and Directors can earn the RAPDD certification through ongoing attendance. VanEd is proud to have supported instructors who have earned this certification and who continue to increase their professionalism through ongoing training and support.
State Required Training
Many state regulatory agencies and associations require training and education of instructors on an annual basis. VanEd's teachers attend all required trainings and in many cases also present or lead the sessions. Our team was also involved in Masters training and we have developed tools and resources designed not only to meet regulatory requirements but to exceed them.
Learn more about our real estate instructors
Real Estate Pre-License Course Approvals
Colorado License Law requires that pre-license education providers must be approved and regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School Board. VanEd was the first online real estate and appraisal school approved in Colorado. Once a program is approved by DPOS it then must be validated by the Colorado Real Estate Commission. After beginning work on the program in 1996, the entire pre-licensing package, including all classes and courses, was approved and validated in 1997.
In Oklahoma, schools and programs are approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission (OREC). VanEd was the first school to deliver a 100% ARELLO certified pre-license course for students in this state and remains a leader in distance education delivery, offering all courses and programs necessary to earn and maintain your license.
This includes Pre-license, Post-License, and Continuing Education courses approved for distance education or online delivery. VanEd was also the first school in the state to get CE courses necessary for out-of-state brokers and licensees approved. Approved School #1416
VanEd - Nebraska Real Estate School is approved by the Nebraska Department of Education to deliver Postsecondary education. Coursework is approved through the real estate education program of the Nebraska Real Estate Commission.
The mission of the Nebraska Real Estate Commission real estate education program is to facilitate the development of and promotion of instructional programs which the Commission has determined protect the public interest by insuring and improving the competency of licensees. The Commission monitors courses and programs or compliance and educational standards, and all courses delivered online in Nebraska are required to be ARELLO® certified. Approval to Recruit ID#V9-12-31-14
The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) enforces rules for education that set high standards and require certification for licensing courses delivered by a distance education method. The rules define the subject matter covered in each course in order to ensure that students gain the knowledge required to pass the state licensing exam and begin a successful career. All of VanEd's pre-license and SAE courses have been approved by TREC under these rules.
VanEd - Texas Real Estate School instructors also hold the CDEI - Certified Distance Education Instructor certification from ARELLO®. This ongoing training ensures our faculty has the broadest and most comprehensive skills available in real estate education. Approved School ID#575 (Core/SAE)
Real Estate Continuing Education and GRI
VanEd is a leading provider of High Quality continuing education programs, courses and classes. We are approved in a number of states listed here. We offer online options for continuing education, mandatory continuing education (MCE) and professional development. We have been the trusted provider for state REALTOR® Associations looking to offer their Graduate REALTOR® Institute (GRI) programs online since 2000, offering these courses for CE in a number of states as well.
Approved and Regulated by the Department of Private Occupational Schools and the Colorado Division of Real Estate. #D397
VanEd - Florida Real Estate School is approved by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate License No. ZH1002453
Course Credit is approved on a course by course basis through State of Missouri Division of Professional Registration Individual Request for Continuing Education Credit (MO 375-0562)
VanEd - Nebraska Real Estate School is Approved and Regulated by the Department of Education. Individual courses are approved by the Nebraska Real Estate Commission. Serial Number: V9-12-31-13
The Oklahoma Real Estate Commission approves and regulates all Post-License and Continuing Education courses offered in the state. Out of state licensees are required to complete 3 hours of coursework each renewal as well. VanEd - Oklahoma Real Estate School is an OREC Approved Provider. Approved School #1416
The Oregon Real Estate Agency approved education providers for Continuing Education. Only those providers approved may offer the mandatory continuing education in the state. VanEd is an approved provider through OREA. Provider ID#1082
South Dakota
All courses and programs offered in South Dakota are approved and regulated by the South Dakota Real Estate Commission. Each course is approved individually and VanEd lists all course approval numbers in the course titles. These are required by the Commission.
Continuing Education providers in Texas are required to have a separate stand-alone approval to offer both Continuing Education (CE) and required courses. VanEd - Texas Real Estate School is Approved and Regulated by TREC to offer all CE courses. CE School ID#235
Education Providers in Washington state are required to gain school and course approval through the Washington State Department of Licensing (DOL), Real Estate Commission. VanEd is approved through the DOL to offer continuing education and each course is then approved by the Real Estate Commission. School Approval #S1710
VanEd offers GRI, Graduate REALTOR® Institute Program for the Wyoming Association of REALTORS®. This program is not approved through the Wyoming Real Estate Commission for CE credit, but students can contact the Commission to determine if equivalent credit hours may be granted.
What is the Graduate REALTOR® Institute (GRI) Program?
The Graduate REALTOR® Institute is a national program of real estate instruction administered by State REALTOR® Associations whose course of study meets the accreditation standards established by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (NAR). REALTORS® with the GRI designation have in-depth training in legal and regulatory issues, technology, professional standards, and the sales process. Those members who maintain the GRI designation have also been shown to earn $27,000 more per year than the average real estate professional who does not earn the GRI designation.
VanEd recommends the GRI program for all licensees, especially those who are new to the industry or who are looking to take the next step to success. Learn more about the GRI Designation and where it is available online.
Real Estate Appraisal Courses
State Appraisal Boards
Each state and jurisdiction has their own course and instructor approval process. VanEd works closely with the Regulators from all across the country to ensure that our courses, programs and instructors meet all of the dynamic guidelines. Approved courses are made available on our website and students may complete them entirely online in most cases. All jurisdictions require AQB approval for all appraisal courses offered via distance education.
The Appraisal Foundation's Appraisal Qualifications Board (AQB)
The Appraisal Qualification Board (AQB) maintains an appraiser Course Approval Program (CAP). Independent appraisal educators who are selected for their knowledge and experience in appraising and appraisal education have reviewed all courses that are approved by the AQB. The AQB chief reviewer also reviews the courses to assure objectivity and quality control.
The AQB does not require participation in this program but it is strongly encouraged. Van Education Center is pleased to state that all of our appraisal classes have been approved by the AQB.
All appraisal courses are ARELLO® & IDECC certified.