Free Webinar: FHA Policy: Appraiser and Property Requirements

September 29, 2015, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM (Eastern) –“Single Family Housing Policy Handbook: Appraiser and Property Requirements” webinar.

For appraisers on the FHA Appraiser Roster, the appraiser and appraisal-related policy changes contained in the Single Family Housing Policy Handbook (SF Handbook; HUD Handbook 4000.1) impact how to perform and complete an appraisal for an FHA-insured property. During this webinar session, FHA subject matter experts will provide an overview of these changes, centered around the core concepts of Observe, Analyze, and Report. This includes the structure, format, and changes contained in the SF Handbook’s Appraiser and Property Requirements section, effective for case numbers assigned on or after September 14, 2015. Additionally, the webinar will highlight policies in the SF Handbook’s Doing Business with FHA-Other Participants and Quality Control, Oversight and Compliance-Other Participants sections specific to appraisers. This webinar is targeted primarily to FHA Roster Appraisers and others who have detailed knowledge of FHA’s appraiser and appraisal policies and requirements although open to all stakeholders.

 Registration required. No fee.

Written and Published by: VanEd

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