Originally aired live in March, we are re-running the four-part lecture series presented at George Washington University by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke. Today we will continue the series with part three of "The Federal Reserve after World War II".
During March Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke is delivering a four-part lecture series about the Federal Reserve and the financial crisis that emerged in 2007. The series began with a lecture on the origins and missions of central banks and was followed by a discussion on the role and actions of the Federal Reserve in the period after World War II. In the final two lectures, the Chairman will review some of the causes of, and policy responses to, the recent financial crisis, focusing specifically on the actions of the Federal Reserve.
The lectures are being offered as part of an undergraduate course at the George Washington University School of Business. Click Here to view parts 1 & 2 of this series, recorded on March 20th and March 22nd. Today's broadcast is titled "The Financial Crisis and the Great Recession".
Written and Published by: VanEd