Important Community Association Manager (CAM) Update

Important Community Association Manager (CAM) Update

The CAM licensing program will end at the Division of Real Estate (Division) on June 30, 2019, and the Division will no longer have any jurisdiction over community association managers and related management companies. The Division will cease to enforce any licensing, investigations, insurance, and continuing education requirements regarding this program, effective immediately.

This means that at this time there will not be any licensing for community association managers and related management companies in Colorado, and the following are examples of matters ceasing at the Division:

  • No license renewals;
  • No new applications for licensing will be accepted;
  • No pre-licensing education;
  • No State testing for CAMs;
  • No CAM continuing education (CE) course submissions and approvals;
  • No State requirements for CAM E&O and Fidelity insurance as per any CAM rules;
  • No complaint investigations;
  • No cease & desist orders issued for non-licensed CAMs;
  • No auditing of CAM insurance coverage and CE compliance; and
  • All present CAM Rules, Regulations and Position Statements will be repealed.

The Division will continue to send out more information regarding the cessation of this program and the Governor’s Executive Order requiring a stakeholder process in this regard.

Governor Issues Executive Order 

D 2019 006

Directing a Stakeholder Process to Examine Community and Homeowner Associations

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Governor of the State of Colorado and. in particular. pursuant to Article IV, Section 2 of the Colorado Constitution. I. Jared Polis,
Governor of the State of Colorado, hereby issue this Executive Order directing the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) to conduct a comprehensive review of existing and potential laws and recommend strategies to promote effective and efficient regulation of Community Association Managers (CAMs) and homeowners' Associations (HOAs).

I hereby direct the Executive Director of DORA (Executive Director) and the Director or
the Division of Real Estate to lead a stakeholder process that will complete a comprehensive
review of CAMs and IIOAs. The Executive Director will consider, develop. and make
recommendations on how to promote effective and efficient regulation of CAMs and IIOAs.

Written and Published by: VanEd

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