Building Green - A High Performance Home

Real Estate Continuing Education Course


Riding the Green Wave: The High-Performance Home

This course is not about cutting-edge, experimental green; the high-performance home is an energy-efficient, cost-effective, well-built home that provides a healthy indoor environment and helps to save our global environment. Isn’t this the home that many of your clients want to buy? We’ll learn its six elements and testing procedures for new and existing homes.

Sales increase when buyers understand and develop trust in their real estate agent, their builder, and the product. Your understanding of what makes the high-performance home today’s smart choice is an essential part of your future success in selling this “green” product to every new home buyer and also to many resale buyers.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify elements of the high-performance home
  • List in-demand benefits of the high-performance home
  • Compare features of each element
  • Outline the advantages to buyers for each feature

Approved States: CO