This Step by Step to Sold program has everything you need to help your sellers properly and successfully prepare their homes for the market, but that is really only the beginning...
In this program, we invite you to learn the deeper components of a number of different disciplines to get the biggest impact which includes: Staging, Feng Shui, and Neuroarchitecture. As a real estate professional, some things we will cover will be familiar and some may be completely new.
You will receive many tips you can use in making homes more inviting and with the use of Feng Shui, you can create a respite of peace and tranquility in any space. You will also learn tips that can help your buyers in the search for their new home, but we will get into that later in the course.
Unlike other training classes, this program will also provide decorating tips and cleaning solutions for even the most stubborn stains and odors (yes we will cover pets and smokers!), all the while incorporating and discovering the amazing power of Feng Shui.
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
The course includes numerous exercises and is completed with a final exam.
Approved States: CO