Planning 101

Real Estate Continuing Education Course

Course Description

Welcome to Planning 101!

The professional disciplines of property appraisal and land use planning directly affect each other. The highest and best use – a defining concept of property appraisal – cannot be accurately determined without knowing how local land use plans, policies, and regulations affect the future of an area and the development of a specific site. In addition, land use planning can directly affect property values, as plans and regulations interact with markets.

Land use planning and regulation, in turn, may not be successfully implemented without understanding the real estate market and property values. This is especially true when the character and uses are planned to change through redevelopment.

Course Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you will learn:

  • The history and legal basis of land use regulation
  • The hierarchy and relationship of policies, plans, and regulations
  • The purposes of comprehensive plans
  • Zoning and entitlement systems
  • Subdivision of land
  • The role of the public process
  • Current trends in land use regulation
  • Data sources within government planning organizations
  • A diagnostic approach to determining how property may realistically be used

The course contains numerous multiple choice exams, and interactive exercises, and is completed with a multiple choice final exam.

Approved States: CO