Permission to Build

Real Estate Continuing Education Course

Course Description

This course provides explanations, depictions, definitions, and insight on governmental real estate development application review processes and related information.
Requirements and sources of information are covered. It is also intended as a practical companion to existing regulatory codes.

Course Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Which applications are necessary to complete a building project
  • Various aspects of a development application, from the professional to the personal
  • The viability and processes needed to obtain approval, and what entities grant the approval
  • Where and when to go for help
  • The meaning of required documentation and studies included in a development application, including why they are required, as well as why they could impact a project positively and negatively
  • Case studies will help to also explain the basics of local government development review, and provide advice on how to increase the probability of a successful application.

The course contains numerous multiple choice exams, and interactive exercises, and is completed with a multiple choice final exam.

Approved States: CO