The Art of Pricing

Real Estate Continuing Education Course

The Art of Pricing

Getting listings is one thing, selling them is another. As a professional real estate agent, one of the most important duties of your job is to properly price your listings for market. There are many methods to collecting, organizing and presenting the hard data that will give your sellers the information they need to make the important decisions surrounding the pricing and marketing of their home.

The more pricing methods and strategies you understand and can effectively communicate, the better real estate agent you will be

Jennifer Allan is the author of Sell With Soul and your guide throughout this course.

Table of Contents

  • Unit 1- Basic Pricing Strategies
  • Unit 2- Creative pricing Strategies
  • Unit 3 -Pricing for Flaws
  • Unit 4 -Solve the Problem, Don't Reduce the Price
  • Unit 5 -Effectively Communicating with the Seller
  • Conclusion

Approved States: CO