Safety First! A Guide for Real Estate Professionals

Real Estate Continuing Education Course

Course Rating:  


4.7 stars

Course Difficulty:  



Safety First! A Guide for Real Estate Professionals

Real estate professionals are in a unique industry that combines knowledge of listing & selling with fostering intimate relationships with customers and clients.  However, human nature and the prospect of money changing hands do not lend themselves entirely to positive outcomes. 

This course aims to take a detailed look at what to be aware of in order to keep the dangers at bay for yourself, family, coworkers, and your clients and customers.  We'll review current case studies and offer tips based on others' experiences from protecting office data and social media awareness to the simple act of looking around you with mental acuity!

Course Outline:

  • Introduction
  • Unit 1: Safety at Work
  • Unit 2: Safety in Public
  • Unit 3: Safety Online & at Home
  • Conclusion
  • Safety Resources

Approved States: NE,OK,TX

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