Risk Reduction - Risky Business - GRI

Real Estate Continuing Education Course

Course Rating:  


4.8 stars

Course Difficulty:  



The purpose of this class is to alert brokers to those situations that may cost them large amounts of money, or their license, or both. The course will help protect the public by educating brokers to recognize bad business practices.

To be successful in the real estate business world, risks are taken daily. Sales people tend to be risk takers by nature. Our industry has evolved from a "buyer beware" philosophy to "broker beware." Courts are upholding decisions that assign more and more liability to the broker for the problems buyers and sellers experience in their real estate transaction. Now, more than ever, it is imperative that brokers employ all their skills, care, and diligence in the conducting of their business.

Brokers should understand that no course substitutes for attorney advice. Each legal situation is different, and the advice of an attorney will guide the broker through the maze of small, but important legal considerations. This course is intended to make you think and understand the various complex issues in today's real estate business.

Table of Contents

  • Unit I - Introduction
  • Unit II - Fraud
  • Unit III - Misrepresentation
  • Unit IV - Disclosures
    Including: Title Disclosures, Square Footage, Lot Size, Seller's Prop. Disclosure, Inspections, Megan's Law, Internet & Advertising, Agency, Covenants, Referrals and RESPA
  • Unit V - Contract Risks
  • Unit VI - Limiting Broker Liability
  • Unit VII - Office Policy

The course contains numerous multiple choice quizzes, and is completed with a multiple choice exam.

Approved States: OK

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